For our meeting on Tuesday, we had a fantastic speaker join us to discuss caring for your children's teeth.
Dr. Gerald Cox is a Pediatric Dentist practicing in Waco. Here are some of the tips Dr. Cox shared with us on oral care and hygiene for our kids!
-Enamel is broken down when teeth are bathed in refined carbohydrates (eating, drinking things other than water), but enamel can be rebuilt when teeth are brushed with fluoride.
-The process of tooth development is most susceptible from 6/9 months to 34/36 months.
-Bacteria causing cavities is transmissible through saliva! (A cavity-prone adult can pass on this bacteria by sharing an ice cream cone with a child, for instance! Yikes!)
-Bacteria in plaque colonize and make acid; the solution is to get rid of the plaque
-Once brushing is firmly established, add flossing to your children's oral hygiene routine.
-Topical fluoride (soaks in) vs. systemic fluoride treatment (affects developing teeth), but too much fluoride can be dangerous and weaken teeth coming in.
-Use fluoride toothpaste as soon as children can spit it out.
-Sticky, sugary, and acidic foods/drinks are the most dangerous in promoting plaque growth (and even diet sodas have carbonic acid).
-Most damage is done in first the 20 minutes after food is eaten, because of the saliva generated, so if you're going to indulge, it's best to eat a candy bar or drink juice/soda in one sitting instead of biting/sipping it slowly over the course of a few hours.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cox for your kids, contact his office at 254-772-4184.
Check out Dr. Cox's website for more helpful information: dental-topics.php
We have some great events coming up in November and December for our members. Check out our Facebook page at Heart of Texas Moms of Multiples Support to get more information about joining as a member!
You can also join us for our next Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, January 14th at 7pm at Providence Hospital in Waco to check out a meeting and join as a member.
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